What is this?

This is a pile of writing covering politics and economics, generally touching the ol’ European continent. Along the way, I shall indulge in the occasional detour into philosophy, history, and art.

Now, you might be wondering what exactly is the heap of scribblings that lies before you:

(1) 1 x weekly European Letter. I cover five current issues across Europe stretching from politics, economics, and law. All of it is interspersed with specially curated works of art.

(2) 1 x weekly article on a political/economic issue in Europe. This can include an analysis of a major election, or other issues uncovered in better media.

(3) 1 x monthly investigation on a deeper question. It is a longer piece that will permit a deeper exploration of a a major issue. This could be the rise of right-wing populism in Europe, or the philosophical origins of the Hindu right.

And who is this?

Well, if you must know, I am a French-Australian writer currently living in London. I am also ankle-deep in research at the London School of Economics on questions of economic history.

In my academic walkabouts, I have licked the delights of laws, economics and history. In other, more profitable work, I've worked in corporate law, human rights, and consulting in Melbourne and London.

If you are not yet satisfied and require a far more detailed resume, please find the residues of my life in a presentable form here.

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Political and economic affairs from the old continent.


French-Australian writer based in London. Publisher of the European Letter.